Episode 51 — The “LUV” Factor: Why do Smart Investors Focus on the Future?

Episode 51 — The “LUV” Factor: Why do Smart Investors Focus on the Future?

We are in the midst of the “coronavirus recession.” During this time, smart investors know that this moment in time will soon be a view in their rearview mirror — and that success lies in focusing on the future.

Today, Mark introduces the “LUV” factor and shares his view on how the economy might recover. Mark additionally warns investors against the dangers of consuming financial media and emphasizes the importance of looking ahead.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • What the “LUV” factor means
  • Why predictions lead to problems
  • Different types of market recoveries after recessions
  • Why investors should be investing in great businesses and not indexes
  • And more!

Tune in now to learn all about the “LUV” factor and where we could be heading with our next market recovery!

Resources:  Nepsis

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