Tag: #C-19 virus

Episode 53 — Achieving Ultimate Clarity with Active Investment Management

Episode 53 — Achieving Ultimate Clarity with Active Investment Management

Mark Pearson believes a change is coming. 

He believes that, for the foreseeable future, investor mindsets will start to move away from cookie-cutter, static investing towards active investing.

Today, Mark expands on last episode’s focus of diamonds in the rough and explains how financial advisors can truly discover amazing things if they’re more active than others. Mark additionally outlines different kinds of investment management and how an active approach can bring you ultimate clarity around your investing.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • Why investors might be shifting towards more active management 
  • The difference between asset allocation and diversification
  • About modern portfolio theory
  • How the market has started to recover and what it means for the near future
  • And more!

Tune in now to learn more about diamonds in the rough and different types of investment management!

Resources:   Nepsis | Episode 52 – The Value of Volatility is Spotting Diamonds in the Rough

Episode 51 — The “LUV” Factor: Why do Smart Investors Focus on the Future?

Episode 51 — The “LUV” Factor: Why do Smart Investors Focus on the Future?

We are in the midst of the “coronavirus recession.” During this time, smart investors know that this moment in time will soon be a view in their rearview mirror — and that success lies in focusing on the future.

Today, Mark introduces the “LUV” factor and shares his view on how the economy might recover. Mark additionally warns investors against the dangers of consuming financial media and emphasizes the importance of looking ahead.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • What the “LUV” factor means
  • Why predictions lead to problems
  • Different types of market recoveries after recessions
  • Why investors should be investing in great businesses and not indexes
  • And more!

Tune in now to learn all about the “LUV” factor and where we could be heading with our next market recovery!

Resources:  Nepsis

Episode 50 – How The Power of Flexibility Can Help Investors During a Recession

Episode 50 – How The Power of Flexibility Can Help Investors During a Recession

The U.S. is currently in a recession — making it more crucial than ever for investors to invest with clarity.

In this episode, Mark Pearson discusses one of the cornerstones of investing with clarity; the power of flexibility. He discusses what the power of flexibility is, how it can help investors, and tips on how to remain successful during difficult times.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • Why flexibility is so important
  • How flexibility and transparency work together
  • The importance of sticking to the process
  • And more!

Tune in now to learn Mark’s tips for remaining calm in today’s market!

Resources:  Nepsis 



In this special episode, we share updates on how we are responding to the COVID-19 situation, how we’re assisting our clients, and what actions we’re advising investors to take during this time of uncertainty. 

Tune in now to learn how the markets are being affected and what we’re doing to help clients during this tumultuous time.

Resources:  Nepsis