Tag: Clarity

The New Boss Is The Same As The Old Boss Value with Chuck Etzweiler, MBA, CIMA®, CFP®, CMT (Ep.87)

The New Boss Is The Same As The Old Boss Value with Chuck Etzweiler, MBA, CIMA®, CFP®, CMT (Ep.87)

The decisions that are allowing us to be successful at any given time, for the most part, are the decisions that are made one to three years previous.  So when you don’t have clarity in what you own and why you own it, this freezes you from making decisions.

In this episode, Mark Pearson talks with Chuck Etzweiler, MBA, CIMA®, CFP®, CMT, about some of the processes and unearthing growth at a reasonable price and how they see the world unfolding from this point forward.

Chuck discusses: 

  • What they call a rolling average
  • Why value is relative to understanding the metrics of why you make decisions on the companies you own
  • Why you want to own businesses that have pricing power
  • How wealth is created over time not overnight
  • And more

Connect With Chuck Etzweiler:

Connect With Mark Pearson: 

About Our Guest: 

With more than three decades of investment industry experience, Chuck Etzweiler, MBA, CIMA®, CFP®, CMT directs the on-going research efforts of the firm, much of which help both advisors and clients understand the philosophy and strategy of Nepsis, Inc. in a deeper manner. A high percentage of the focus of the research is centered around money manager pitfalls, investor short-comings and repetitive behavioral biases that detract clients from earning optimal returns.

Playing Tic Tac Toe With The Equity Style Box Featuring Chuck Etzweiler, MBA, CIMA®, CFP®, CMT (Ep.86)

Playing Tic Tac Toe With The Equity Style Box Featuring Chuck Etzweiler, MBA, CIMA®, CFP®, CMT (Ep.86)

Most financial advisors follow a short, cookie cutter process that does not take into account current market conditions or the individualization of your portfolio and can lead to over diversification due to many variables. 

In this episode, Mark Pearson and Chuck Etzweiler discuss the style box and how it was created as a tool of asset allocation. They take you through the allocation of each box and how they are used.

Chuck discusses: 

  • Our opinion based on past market conditions
  • Asset allocation information to consider based on the current state of the market
  • Common trends that impact people’s willingness to spend money
  • The nine box theory and how it applies to asset allocation
  • And more

Connect With Chuck Etzweiler:

Connect With Mark Pearson: 

About Our Guest: 

With more than three decades of investment industry experience, Chuck Etzweiler, MBA, CIMA®, CFP®, CMT directs the on-going research efforts of the firm, much of which help both advisors and clients understand the philosophy and strategy of Nepsis, Inc. in a deeper manner. A high percentage of the focus of the research is centered around money manager pitfalls, investor short-comings and repetitive behavioral biases that detract clients from earning optimal returns.

The Recession Obsession With Chuck Etzweiler, MBA, CIMA®, CFP®, CMT (Ep.85)

The Recession Obsession With Chuck Etzweiler, MBA, CIMA®, CFP®, CMT (Ep.85)

At Nepsis®, we value process over progress®. We use past market changes and statistics to determine the best course of action for our clients.

In this episode, Mark Pearson returns with Chuck Etzweiler, MBA, CIMA®, CFP®, CMT to discuss how a recession affects the markets, including common misconceptions about how a recession affects the economy. With the knowledge that they have obtained over the years, there are a number of positives that come from a recession, benefitting your portfolio in the long run. 

Chuck discusses: 

  • An opportunity to purchase shares in a business
  • How the media inflicts fear about market changes
  • Ways you can use a recession to benefit your portfolio
  • How the Nepsis® strategy takes into account huge shifts in the investment market 
  • And more

Connect With Chuck Etzweiler:

Connect With Mark Pearson: 

About Our Guest:

With more than three decades of investment industry experience, Chuck Etzweiler, MBA, CIMA®, CFP®, CMT directs the on-going research efforts of the firm, much of which help both advisors and clients understand the philosophy and strategy of Nepsis, Inc. in a deeper manner. A high percentage of the focus of the research is centered around money manager pitfalls, investor short-comings and repetitive behavioral biases that detract clients from earning optimal returns.

The Great Valuation Reset With Chuck Etzweiler, MBA, CIMA®, CFP®, CMT (Ep. 84)

The Great Valuation Reset With Chuck Etzweiler, MBA, CIMA®, CFP®, CMT (Ep. 84)

As we outlined in the first part of this discussion, bonds, contrary to popular belief, are not a viable investment, for the most part. 

Locking on to a bond due to its previous growth can be a recipe for disaster, as your purchasing power will decrease tremendously. 

In this episode, Mark Pearson and Chuck Etzweiler MBA, CIMA®, CFP®, CMT, continue their discussion about bonds to give you the clarity you need, and critique why bonds may not be a good option considering the current economy.

Mark and Chuck discuss: 

  • Their professional opinion and advice about bonds
  • The teeter totter effect that outlines the risk of owning bonds 
  • How they separate themselves from the masses
  • Your portfolio management habits and how you can increase their effectiveness
  • And more


Connect With Chuck Etzweiler:

Connect with Mark Pearson: 

Bye Bye Bonds With Chuck Etzweiler, MBA, CIMA®, CFP®, CMT (Ep. 83)

Bye Bye Bonds With Chuck Etzweiler, MBA, CIMA®, CFP®, CMT (Ep. 83)

Everyone has their opinion about the pros and cons of bonds.

What do you think about them? Are they too risky or are they a good opportunity?

In this episode, Mark Pearson and Chuck Etzweiler MBA, CIMA®, CFP®, CMT, discuss their professional opinion about bonds and critique why they may not be a good option considering the current economy.

Mark and Chuck discuss: 

  • Their professional opinion and advice about bonds
  • How the rising inflation and interest rates can influence your investment decisions
  • Their critique of bonds considering the current bear market
  • Your portfolio management habits and how you can increase their effectiveness
  • And more


Connect With Chuck Etzweiler:

Connect with Mark Pearson: 


Process Before Progress®, Part 2 With Chuck Etzweiler, MBA, CIMA®, CFP®, CMT (Ep.82)

Process Before Progress®, Part 2 With Chuck Etzweiler, MBA, CIMA®, CFP®, CMT (Ep.82)

When creating a portfolio, it is important to make sure you are approaching it with absolute clarity, to make good decisions for your future. This means forgetting everything you know about the marketing mindset and removing yourself from the industry mindset that is commonly pushed by investors. 

In this episode, Mark Pearson and Chuck Etzweiler discuss the importance of following a strict process and trusting the timeline that it will follow rather than searching for returns on investments. 

Mark and Chuck discuss: 

  • The long route that Nepsis® contains in their investment strategy
  • How owning stocks can be similar to owning a business
  • Why it is important to understand the investment process before taking a stab at investing
  • The ultimate goal you should strive to achieve when investing in businesses
  • And more

Connect With Chuck Etzweiler:

Connect with Mark Pearson:

Lifting Weights While You Wait With Chuck Etzweiler, MBA, CIMA®, CFP®, CMT (Ep.81)

Lifting Weights While You Wait With Chuck Etzweiler, MBA, CIMA®, CFP®, CMT (Ep.81)

Just like professional athletes, sitting on a bench waiting around for your turn is a waste of time. Investors are just like off-season athletes, you have to train while you wait in order to get the best results once you hit the court. 

In this episode, Mark Pearson and Chuck Etzweiler discuss those in between stages and how to practice executing strategies while waiting for market changes. They share common misconceptions about market volatility and how to identify growth in your portfolio over time. 

Mark and Chuck discuss: 

  • The barbell strategy in investing
  • Common misconceptions about bonds
  • What risk means for your portfolio
  • How businesses can steer you in the wrong direction when looking to invest
  • And more

Connect With Chuck Etzweiler:

Connect with Mark Pearson:

Passive Investing, Part 2 With Chuck Etzweiler, MBA, CIMA®, CFP®, CMT (Ep.80)

Passive Investing, Part 2 With Chuck Etzweiler, MBA, CIMA®, CFP®, CMT (Ep.80)

Most people don’t know what’s happening with their money when they are investing. You may be told by your financial advisor you’re investing in the stock market but you’re actually investing in businesses.

In this episode, Mark Pearson and Chuck Etzweiler discuss the personalized strategy that is used at Nepsis® that puts the client and their needs first, and creates a portfolio based on these goals.

Mark and Chuck discuss:

  • Active versus passive investing
  • What a volatile market can mean for business owners
  • Why understanding asset allocation is so important
  • The importance of being slow and steady with your investments
  • And more

Connect With Chuck Etzweiler:

Connect with Mark Pearson:

Passive Investing With Chuck Etzweiler, MBA, CIMA®, CFP®, CMT (Ep.79)

Passive Investing With Chuck Etzweiler, MBA, CIMA®, CFP®, CMT (Ep.79)

When looking at indexes, it is very hard to determine how returns are calculated. At Nepsis®, We have a very specific asset allocation strategy with a very specific buy and sell discipline.

In this episode, Mark Pearson and Chuck Etzweiler discuss common misconceptions about the investment market and how you can value stocks based on a number of different factors. They discuss the problems with passive investing and how you can take control in your own hands by educating yourself on the intricacies of the stock market.

Mark and Chuck discuss: 

  • How active management can work
  • Strategic cost averaging®
  • Our investing strategy at Nepsis®
  • The power of asset allocation versus diversification
  • And more

Connect With Chuck Etzweiler:

Connect with Mark Pearson:

Underperforming the Underperformance With Mark Pearson (Ep.78)

Underperforming the Underperformance With Mark Pearson (Ep.78)

At Nepsis®, we have coined the term clarity creates stability. We believe that the ultimate form of clarity is the root of what we do here at Nepsis®. 

In this episode, Mark Pearson discusses his perception of the state of the marketplace, the ways politics have affected the dollar value and how understanding these ideas can lead to ultimate clarity. Having clarity on these subjects can help you become extremely confident in your portfolio and the investments you believe in, keeping you secure in your long term goals.

Mark discusses: 

  • The importance of flexibility in your portfolio
  • How clarity among your investments can enhance your decision-making process
  • The power of liquidity
  • What you need to know when entering into a bear market 
  • And more

Connect with Mark Pearson: