Category: Investing

Episode 20- The Five Dreadful Cs of Mutual Funds

Episode 20- The Five Dreadful Cs of Mutual Funds

Mark Pearson and his team aren’t fans of mutual funds, and you’re about to find out why.

In this episode, Mark doesn’t spare mutual funds’ feelings as he dives into the traits that make them undesirable, otherwise known as the dreadful five Cs.

Here’s what you will learn about in this episode:

  • Why being over-diversified is a problem
  • What the five Cs are and how they impact portfolios
  • How mutual funds make money and how those costs are passed on to the consumer
  • Examples of multiple conflicts that could run within a mutual fund portfolio
  • How the characteristics of mutual funds clash with Nepsis’ approach to investing.

Tune in to learn why you should avoid mutual funds if you want to invest with clarity.

Resources: NEPSIS, Inc. | Investing for Success: Understanding the Four Key Principles

Episode 19 – A Penny for Your Thoughts

Episode 19 – A Penny for Your Thoughts

Have you ever taken a jar of pennies to the bank and felt shocked by the amount of money you had in there?

Today, Mark Pearson discusses his penny jar theory and how Nepsis uses this theory in their approach to Strategic Cost Averaging™, the process of continually investing unequal dollar amounts specifically targeted into companies that you want to own more of when appropriate.

Mark and co-host Matt Halloran also take a back-end look at Nepsis, diving into how the company gathers information from clients to help them invest strategically and reach their investment goals.

Listen now to learn how you could invest with more clarity by using Nepsis’ penny theory.


NEPSIS, Inc. | Blog: A Penny for Your Thoughts

Episode 18 – How Does the Race to the Bottom Impact Your Investment Outlook?

Episode 18 – How Does the Race to the Bottom Impact Your Investment Outlook?

Today, Mark Pearson shares his views on the “race to the bottom” in the financial industry. Inspired by the Barron’s article titled “Fidelity Drops Fund Fees to Zero in Latest Price-War Gambit,” Mark discusses the issues that may arise with the low-cost industry trend, along with how the common outlooks that clients tend to adopt could negatively affect their investment outcomes.

Tune in to also find out what question you should be asking your adviser and how you can prioritize your goals to find true clarity.

Barron’s – Fidelity Drops Fund Fees to Zero in Latest Price-War Gambit

Episode 17 – A Look Under the Hood at Nepsis—With Guest Chuck Etzweiler

Episode 17 – A Look Under the Hood at Nepsis—With Guest Chuck Etzweiler

In this episode, Mark Pearson is joined by Nepsis’ Vice President of Research, Chuck Etzweiler, for a behind-the-scenes look at how they use research to inform their investment decisions.

Chuck and Mark discuss how their teams research all areas of the economy to make selective and informed investment decisions with clarity. They also share the two ways they measure the valuation of companies, and their opinion on modern portfolio theory. Also, from an operations standpoint, Mark and Chuck discuss which characteristics they value most in candidates for their investment team.

Listen now to learn how Mark and Chuck use research to help them invest with clarity.

Nepsis, Inc.

Episode 16 – The Keys to Investing with Clarity

Episode 16 – The Keys to Investing with Clarity

When investing, do you know what you own, why you own it and how much you’re paying for it?

Today, Mark Pearson and Matt Halloran discuss the common barriers preventing people from investing with true clarity. From the lack transparency surrounding investing fees and ownership to the harmful ways diversification and asset allocation are misinterpreted, this episode will deepen your knowledge on how you invest with confidence.

Tune in now to also learn about the fundamental questions you should be asking your financial advisers to make sure you’re investing with complete clarity.

Resources: Nepsis Capital Inc.


Episode 15 –  Why Investors Shouldn’t Be Afraid of Volatility

Episode 15 –  Why Investors Shouldn’t Be Afraid of Volatility

The inspiration for today’s episode came from a headline in Financial Advisor Magazine:

“Market Volatility May Be Behind 47% Rise In FINRA Cases.”

Did you read that article from June 22nd? Mark Pearson did. Now he’s weighing in on the issue.

Why has market volatility possibly caused a surge in FINRA arbitration cases this year? Do investors have unrealistic expectations for performance? Have they lost sight of what the market really is?

Mark addresses these questions and more.

In this episode, Mark makes a case for why volatility and risk are not synonymous. With his characteristically outspoken and passionate approach, Mark emphasizes why it’s essential to know what you own and why you own it—and why he believes that some investors stay away from this philosophy.

Tune in for an exciting episode that will challenge your performance expectations and beliefs about volatility.


Nepsis Capital Inc.


Episode 13 – Comparison Is the Thief of All Joy

Episode 13 – Comparison Is the Thief of All Joy

Do you ever compare your portfolio to other people’s portfolios?

Comparison is the ultimate killjoy. It’s a crazy-making behavior that only serves to distract investors. In fact, Some people are never satisfied with their returns because they’re caught up in comparing themselves to others.

Today, Matt Halloran and Mark Pearson uncover the downfalls of comparing. They discuss the role that media plays in perpetuating comparison, and they explain how investors can end up making misguided decisions when they’re comparing their portfolios to others’.

You won’t want to miss this episode! Tune in as Mark offers expert advice to help you break out of the comparison cycle.

Episode 12 – Market Volatility is an Opportunity

Episode 12 – Market Volatility is an Opportunity

How much cash do you keep on the sidelines?

Today, Matt Halloran and Mark Pearson talk to you about the potential opportunities that market volatility presents, along with how to make smart corrections to your portfolio. Realizing your moves and properly allocating your money can allow you to invest when you need to take advantage of market volatility. Take action and understand the true value that you own.

Tune in and find out how to sharpen your investing strategy to do better in the market!

Episode 11 – Don’t Become Another DALBAR Statistic

Episode 11 – Don’t Become Another DALBAR Statistic

Don’t become another DALBAR statistic.

As an investor, does your behavior affect how well your investments perform?

It certainly does.

Today, Matt Halloran and Mark Pearson discuss DALBAR Inc., an independent research organization that studies how investor behavior is related to investment performance. In this episode, you’ll learn three reasons for investor shortfalls, the psychology behind investing and, ultimately, how to avoid becoming another DALBAR statistic.

Listen in to discover how you can invest with clarity.

Episode 10 – The Difference Between Traditional vs. Non Traditional Investing

Episode 10 – The Difference Between Traditional vs. Non Traditional Investing

Why It’s Time to Say Goodbye to Traditional Investing

Mark Pearson’s theory is that most financial advisors don’t actually have time to manage their clients’ money effectively. In fact, most financial advisors get into the business to build client relationships, not to focus on money management. As a result, advisors rely on the modern portfolio theory to guide investors. But using this outdated, cookie-cutter theory is a heavily flawed approach.

You don’t want to miss this special episode. Mark Pearson holds nothing back as he explains why modern portfolio theory just doesn’t cut it for investors.

Tune in and learn why volatility is an opportunity— not a risk— and how a non-traditional investing approach can help you accomplish your long-term goals.