Episode 10 – The Difference Between Traditional vs. Non Traditional Investing

Episode 10 – The Difference Between Traditional vs. Non Traditional Investing

Why It’s Time to Say Goodbye to Traditional Investing Mark Pearson’s theory is that most financial advisors don’t actually have time to manage their clients’ money effectively. In fact, most financial advisors get into the business to build client relationships, not to focus on money management. As a result, advisors rely on the modern portfolio …

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Episode 9 – The Power of Claritology: The Key to Gaining Confidence in Your Investments

Episode 9 – The Power of Claritology: The Key to Gaining Confidence in Your Investments

In this episode, I introduce a brand new term—Claritology. It’s all about understanding your investments from every angle. What is the outcome of Claritology? It’s having a newfound sense of confidence about your investment strategies. Listen in as I share the four pillars of Claritology and how it can transform the way you think about …

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Episode 8 – Strategic Cost Averaging

Episode 8 – Strategic Cost Averaging

  Have you heard of strategic cost averaging? It’s an investment technique that allows you to invest equal dollar amounts into a specific position. Is that the right strategy for you? Learn more in this episode as I share 4 keys to successful investing—plus, how you can benefit from being a transparent and flexible investor.

Episode 7 – Importance of an Investment Policy Statement (IPS)

Episode 7 – Importance of an Investment Policy Statement (IPS)

Are you heading towards the financial future you want?  Mark shares how you can use the Investment Policy Statement to help ensure that you and your investment advisor have a clear understanding of your financial goals. The more clarity you have about your portfolio, the more likely you are to stay the course when it …

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Episode 6 – The Power of Clarity – Part II

Episode 6 – The Power of Clarity – Part II

Can you put a price on clarity?  While it’s easy to understand broad concepts and theories behind investing, people often lack clarity when it comes to their own personal investments. And the danger in today’s markets is that it’s become increasingly easy to find investment gratification for cheap. Financial plans are becoming cookie cutter premade …

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Episode 4 – The Causes of Terrible DIY Performance

Episode 4 – The Causes of Terrible DIY Performance

When it comes to investing with clarity, we have done our research and, in turn, have created a unique approach to investing with clarity. When it comes to making the right decisions, there are numerous factors to consider, including the psychological and behavioral aspect of investing. These two factors are often overlooked, and that is …

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Episode 3 – The 4 Keys to Investing for Success

Episode 3 – The 4 Keys to Investing for Success

Successful investing is about process. There is a benefit of understanding the discipline and process leading to successful investing. There are both scientific and behavioral aspects of investing. Understanding them will lead you to understand how to reach success in this area. The investment process can be categorized into four key corners of success. Learn …

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