Month: March 2020

Episode 49 – What to Do When the Stock Market is Infected With Coronavirus

Episode 49 – What to Do When the Stock Market is Infected With Coronavirus

Financial analysts claim that the stock market has recently seen the worst week of losses following the 2008 Financial Crisis. As an investor, do you know how to stay calm and make smart investment decisions throughout the calamity?

In this episode, Mark Pearson discusses how to NOT panic during these tumultuous times, shares statistics about market reactions to past viruses, and emphasizes the importance of knowing what you own and why you own it.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • What the insanity is and how to stop it
  • The impact of coronavirus on the stock market
  • What black swan events are
  • Why asset allocation is essential
  • The importance of knowing what is going on in your portfolio
  • And more!

Tune in now to learn what to do — and not do — during these tumultuous times in the market.!

Resources:  Nepsis 



In this special episode, we share updates on how we are responding to the COVID-19 situation, how we’re assisting our clients, and what actions we’re advising investors to take during this time of uncertainty. 

Tune in now to learn how the markets are being affected and what we’re doing to help clients during this tumultuous time.

Resources:  Nepsis

Episode 48 — Why Mark Pearson is Praying for a Pullback

Episode 48 — Why Mark Pearson is Praying for a Pullback

Unlike many investors, Mark Pearson is praying for a market pullback.

Today, Mark shares why he welcomes pullbacks and why many investors could benefit from changing their perspective around investing and volatility. In this conversation, Mark explains his view of risk, the opportunities it can provide investors, and why all investors should always be prepared for a 20% pullback.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • Why investors should focus on keeping their emotions in check
  • How investing isn’t cookie-cutter, but rather a process and continuum
  • Why Mark believes that volatility is the greatest tool available to investors 
  • The problem with basing risk decisions on a snapshot in time
  • And more!

Tune in now to discover how investing with clarity can help you embrace a more positive outlook on market pullbacks!

Resources: Nepsis